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10 Great Teachings

from the Bible
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On this website you will find information about 10 Great Teachings, 10 Great Teachings Workbook and 10 Great Tests - Confirmation Materials by Rev. Mark Willig.

On this site:

The book:

This book was developed through a number of years using the materials, revising, improving and adding.

I started field testing these materials in 2002. Area pastors started using them in 2005. Now I am ready to share my materials with the Church.

Find out more:

The Book
The Exercises
The Tests

Psalm 119



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Confirmation and catechism book, workbook and materials.

Meditations for the Time of the Virus

Information about 10 Great Teachings

Used by Pastors, Parents and People

Here is what those who have used the to say:

  • "Guys, you gotta look at this! It's good stuff!" Reverend Herb Mueller, former First Vide President of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod to pastors at the SID Pastor's Conference. +
  • "I would favor the use of the volume for its very good teaching arrangements for handling what are often difficult teaching areas." Rev. C. F. Campbell, Reviewer +
  • "This book is so pastoral. It presents the material in a loving way, and shows the author cares about the reader." Parent
  • "It challenged me to look more deeply in the Bible." Former Student
  • "Pastor knows what he is talking about while is he teaching, but I would still feel very comfortable in asking questions. Especially when I went to school, I could tell he was concerned about my views on faith and opened an invitation to always email if I had any questions. This meant a lot to me knowing that he is concerned for my spiritual well being, while still asking about my classes as well." Former Student
  • "Our curriculum editors have reviewed your confirmation materials and they think they are quite good." Paul McCain, Concordia Publishing House


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